
Private sessions can be designed and arranged for any level - whether you would like to deepen your practice, work with a pre-existing injury or would like an individualized program.
Private sessions are held online, or in-person (located at the Yogaspace Studio) and on occasion can be arranged at an alternate time and location.
Contact Clearlight for availability and more information.

Clearlight Gerald is a leading expert in the field of mindfulness-based yoga and meditation for pregnancy, for childbirth and for motherhood, and has guided thousands of women in all stages of their lives for over 20 years.
Based in Montreal, she is a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT) and a professional-level yoga teacher (E-RYT500, RPYT), with students locally and internationally. Clearlight is a founding member of the iRest Institute in California, where she holds credentials as a certified iRest meditation teacher and is an iRest Mentor, Trainer and Certification Supervisor for the teacher training program.
Clearlight shares with her students the teachings and transformative understandings that have emerged from close mentorship with her teachers Richard Miller and Joan Ruvinsky. She combines her decades of immersive study and engagement in yogic wisdom teachings with a grounded and skillful application of physical practices. Her background includes many years of professional tutelage in therapeutic yoga and rehabilitation exercise, and has had the privilege of attending many births – all supported by a deep understanding of the complex issues relevant to women’s experiences gained in her life experience (including as a mother of twins) and in her intensive graduate studies.
Clearlight passionately shares practices and strategies that transform, enlighten, and empower women to navigate life’s joys and challenges from a place of grace, wisdom and confidence… and offers ways to reclaim a unwavering sense of wellbeing amidst the ups and downs of life’s journeys.
Finally, since the question does come up so frequently, it must be shared that Clearlight was named Clearlight at birth by her mom and dad, and that she feels a deep gratitude for this beautiful gift from her parents!

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