The questions have been divided into three groups. If you have a question you do not see answered here, please contact Clearlight.
F A Q M i n d f u l Y o g a
F A Q P r e g n a n c y Y o g a
F A Q M o m & B a b y Y o g a

M i n d f u l Y o g a
What is yoga?
The word yoga comes from the ancient Indian Sanskrit word "yuk," which literally means to yoke, or to join together and unite. In essence yoga means "union."
The yogic system uses postures and breath, and both relaxation and meditation to enhance the union of the mind, body and spirit.

Who can do yoga?
Yoga can be practiced by everyone, of all ages and abilities. It is important that you find a class that suits your needs and interests. Click here to read about Mindful Yoga that Clearlight teaches.
Please note that if you have an injury or illness that could be affected by the practice of yoga, it is important to mention this before enrolling in a class. If you have any questions as to which class would be personally best for you, contact Clearlight.

How often should I practice yoga?
The more you practice the better! Practicing once a week is dramatically better than not at all. If you attend class only once a week, it is definitely recommended to also practice at home, as your practice will deepen and transform more quickly.

How do I register for the yoga classes?
Registration for all classes should be done directly through Clearlight. The classes page of this site contains registration instructions, as well as rate and location information. You can also reach Clearlight by email or phone (514) 867-8671. Please register early to avoid the possibility of being placed on a waiting list. You are welcome to join the classes after the beginning of the session, space permitting.

What should I wear? What do I need to bring?
You should wear clothing that is easy to move in, such as loose fitting sweat pants, leggings, t-shirts, sweaters, etc. It is helpful to dress in layers so that you can easily stay comfortable.
Also be aware yoga is practiced in bare feet, however if this is absolutely out of the question for you, socks are permissible. Sticky mats are provided.

Are taxes included in the class fees?
See the registration page for class fees. You will see the amount before GST (5%) and QST (7.5%) are added.

How can I learn about future classes?
If you would like to be notified of new class schedules and other website updates, please click here.

P r e g n a n c y Y o g a
How soon can I begin taking pregnancy yoga classes?
Women are welcome to join the class once the first trimester of pregnancy is completed, so around 13-14 weeks. The more you practice and the earlier you practice pregnancy yoga, the greater are the benefits that you will enjoy. It is never "too late" to join the class, and women often continue in the classes until even after their official due dates.

How long can I continue taking pregnancy yoga?
Most women continue attending the class up to one or two weeks before their delivery dates.

What if my due date is before the end of the session?
Priority is given to those who would like to reserve for the full 6 week session of classes. However, if space permits, you can register for classes up to two weeks prior to your due date (the fee will be adjusted accordingly), after which you are welcome to continue attending on a drop-in basis until your actual delivery date.

Do I need to check with my health care provider before taking the classes?
The pregnancy yoga classes are gentle, safe and beneficial for pregnant women and their growing babies. It is always a good idea to discuss your exercise program and participation in pregnancy yoga class with your midwife or doctor. It is particularly important to confirm with your doctor or midwife that it is alright to attend these classes if you have what is considered to be a high risk pregnancy.

How large are the classes?
The pregnancy yoga classes usually have an attendance of 9-12 women.

What should I wear? What do I need to bring?
You should wear clothing that is easy to move in, such as loose fitting sweat pants, leggings, t-shirts, sweaters, etc. It is helpful to dress in layers so that you can easily stay comfortable. Sticky mats, blankets and blocks are provided.

M o m & B a b y Y o g a
What happens if my baby either sleeps through the class or cries during the class?
If your baby sleeps through the class you will be able to give more attention to your own movements and experience. It is normal and expected that your baby (and every other baby) will fuss or cry during the class at some point. Part of the experience in mom & baby yoga is to learn to relax around your baby’s normal fussing, therefore all crying is a welcome opportunity for all moms to practice "letting go!"

What should I wear? What do I need to bring?
You should wear clothing that is easy to move in, such as loose fitting sweat pants, leggings, t-shirts, sweaters, etc. It is helpful to dress in layers so that you can easily stay comfortable. It is also a good idea to bring a blanket to make your space comfortable and familiar for you and your baby. Mats and studio blankets are provided.

How large are the classes?
The mom & baby yoga classes have no more than 11 Mamas with babies.

If I miss a mom & baby yoga class, can I make it up in a mom & baby class held on another day?
You are welcome to make up a missed class on another day within the same session, space permitting– only if there is another Mom & Baby yoga class on the schedule being offered on another day during the week.

All of the Pregnancy Yoga, Mom & Baby Yoga and Kripalu Yoga classes are taught by Clearlight Gerald, MA, C-IAYT, ERYT, RPYT
Clearlight started practicing yoga in 1991, and began teaching in 1999 after she completed her certification as a Kripalu Yoga Teacher and Pregnancy Yoga Teacher (K.Y.T.). Today, Clearlight is a student of Richard Miller, a key figure in the wisdom teachings of nondualism, and she pursues her love of yoga in her studies, practice and teaching.
During her first years of teaching, Clearlight studied and practiced with many wonderful teachers from around the world, including Donna Farhi, Gary Kraftsow, Anodea Judith, and Krishna Das. It was at this time she gained extensive experience and insight into the practice and application of yogic breathing and asana, physical and energetic anatomy, and the ancient teachings of yoga.
During these formative years she taught at different locations throughout Montreal, including Concordia University, Marianopolis College and the Montreal Athletic Association, and worked part-time as a program assistant at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Massachusetts. In 2002, Clearlight created Yogaspace Studio in Montreal, where she now teaches exclusively.
In 2004 Clearlight met Richard Miller. During her first interactions with Richard she felt that she was "coming home to truth" - and in that moment knew she had found the teacher and the teachings that she was deeply compelled to follow. Since then, Clearlight has been immersed with Richard and a community of practitioners in studies that are dedicated to these teachings.
Clearlight is currently focused on the meditation practice of yoga nidra, and has recently completed the first level of Yoga Nidra Teacher Training, which was taught by Richard during an intensive training. She is also an appointed steward of the Center of Timeless Being, a non profit organization dedicated to the path of self-inquiry and awakening through the teachings of nondual wisdom.
Concurrently, Clearlight continues to deepen her focus and skill as a specialist in teaching prenatal yoga and postnatal yoga, a path she chose after feeling profoundly inspired, well before her teacher training, to bring yoga to pregnant and new mothers. As a result of following her heart, she has had the privilege of teaching several thousand expectant and new mothers in her pregnancy yoga, and in her mom and baby yoga classes.
She has been witness to the dramatic beneficial effects of yoga experienced by women during this time of transition, and she continues to offer an inspiring context in which women and couples can connect more deeply to the wisdom, balance, and joyfulness that they bring with them into childbirth and parenthood. (Make sure to read the wonderful birth stories by moms who were in Clearlight's classes.)
Clearlight's dynamic teaching style reflects the passion she has for her personal practice and her love of inquiry. Her teaching of the physical practice of postures balances both an emphasis on core stability techniques and safe alignment with the importance of not only liberating deeply held tensions, but of discovering how the practice of yoga can bring a greater sense of wholeness and balance to every aspect of one's life.
Other aspects of her teaching include yogic breathing, chanting, the sharing of inspiring music and poetry, and meditation (including yoga nidra), and are all led with the understanding that yoga is a practice not of acquiring, but of uncovering Oneness.
Finally, since the question does come up so frequently, it must be shared that Clearlight was named Clearlight at birth by her mom and dad, and that she feels a deep gratitude for this beautiful gift from her parents!
