
The following birth stories were written by moms who took Pregnancy Yoga Classes or the Couples Workshop with Clearlight at Yogaspace.
Each mother details in her own words the unfolding of her labour and delivery, and the arrival of the most precious, beautiful baby.
These birth stories illustrate the unique journey of each childbirth that parent(s) and baby navigate, leading up to the moment of meeting face to face for the first time.
These accounts also illustrate how there is no 'right' or 'best' way to labour and birth... positive birth experiences span all circumstances.
To include your birth story, please forward it by email as an attachment in a Word document (or similar) with your favourite photo(s). Please write in the language of your choice.

• Home Birth Stories
• Birth Stories involving Caesarean Deliveries
Birth Stories from the Maison de Naissance
Birth Stories from the Hospital Birthing Centers

Stephanie's Birth Story — Baby Nicolasa Jane
Stephanie laboured and birthed at home with the support of husband Lucho, three-year son Jordi, and friends and midwives! Baby Nicolasa was welcomed into the warmth of family arms, her arrival part of the natural flow of extraordinary daily living.
Sarah’s Birth Story — Baby Sigourney
Sarah worked as a tree planter for the first 20 weeks of her pregnancy, a wonderful preparation for the long, intense and beautiful unfolding of the home birth of her and John’s first child, baby Sigourney.
Genevieve’s Birth Story – Baby Niko Alexis
« Dans l’intimité et la complicité d’un travail que nous avons fait seuls tous les deux... » This is Gen's third birth story (see her first birth story with Baby Antoine and her second birth story with Baby Maïa).
Lesley’s Birth Story — Baby Finn
Lesley shares her deeply moving and beautiful story of baby Finn’s home birth. Her narration from the perspective of a birthing woman is infused with her wisdom and insight gained as a long-time Montreal doula, and as a mother of four.
Marie-Eve’s Birth Story – Baby Adam
« Tout a coulé naturellement, simplement, guidé par les sages-femmes et surtout en étant à l’écoute de ce que mon corps avait envie de faire. »
Ann’s Birth Story – Baby Johanna Nicole
Ann’s labour was much quicker than expected and she delivered a happy, healthy baby at home!
Tom’s Birth Story – Baby Johanna Nicole
Tom (Ann’s husband) brings his perspective as delivering dad in his wonderfully detailed account of Ann’s home delivery of Johanna.
Genevieve’s Birth Story — Baby Maïa Liann
Gen's inspiring story shares the details of her home birth of baby Maïa, including how she completely allowed her body to find the best positions, breathing and sounds for labour and childbirth. This is Gen's second birth story (see her first birth story with Baby Antoine).

Yael’s Birth Story – Baby Ella
Yael’s birthing narrative invites the reader to fully join her in her very real, and gripping journey of labour and Ella’s birth. Her account concludes with the wisdom gained: “A lifetime of Surrendering had just begun…”
Susie’s Birth Story – Baby Tomas
Susie’s story is the ulitimate ‘birth partner’ story… a vivid account of supporting her partner Nathalie in labouring and welcoming baby Tomas. She writes: “now that I have lived through both sides of the birthing experience, my hat goes off to the fathers of the world, because given the choice, I’d take the side that pushes the baby out.”
Nathalie’s Birth Story– Baby Tomas
Nathalie was by her partner Susie’s side during the birth of their daughter Laura. Now Nathalie was ready to give birth to their second baby, baby Tomas. Nathalie shares her journey with humour, wonderful honesty and even some advice for pregnant moms! (en français)
Solène’s Birth Story – Baby Thomas
Solène partage avec détails son beau et chaleureux récit de naissance de Thomas par césarienne. Son histoire est racontée à bébé Thomas qui appréciera sûrement ce récit lorsqu'il sera plus âgé.
Amy’s Birth Story – Baby Zoe
Amy gave birth to Zoe at the Jewish General on an early January morning, and shares her intense and amazing journey through active labour and beyond.
Marie-Hélène’s Birth Story – Baby Daphnée
Baby Daphnée was born by ceasarian since she remained in a breech position - Marie-Hélène shares her secret that helped her focus and stay relaxed during her doctor’s efforts to manually turn her baby before birth.
Kathy’s Birth Story — Baby Noah
Baby Noah was born by ceasarian delivery at the Royal Victoria Hospital. Kathy shares the details of her labour, and the joyful, precious result!
Cheryl’s Birth Story – Baby Oscar Thomas
Cheryl emphasizes the importance of the self-trust and self-confidence in her delivery of baby Oscar by emergency caesarian delivery.

Rowan’s Birth Story — Baby Dylan
Rowan gave birth to her second baby boy at the Maison de Naissance. Rowan discovered that she laboured best alone with her husband Danny, illustrating how privacy can sometimes make the difference in how labour unfolds.
Angela's Birth Story – Baby Alexander
Angela delivered baby Alexander at the Pointe Claire Birthing Center, and shares in beautiful details her natural childbirth.

Allison’s Birth Story — Baby Emilie Skye
“The ecstasy of giving birth has changed to a deep and simple happiness in my everyday life. It was really hard and tiring, it was beyond intense, I thought it would never end, but I did it and it was all worth it.”
Monique’s Birth Story – Baby Cormac
Monique stayed home for much of her labour, and then with a birth plan in hand, delivered baby Cormac at the Royal Victoria Hospital.She writes: “It was the most intense sensation of my life. I’m glad and lucky to have physically felt, blow by blow, the birth of my baby.”
Kate’s Birth Story — Baby Veronica
Kate recounts in wonderful, candid detail her journey of labour and the birth of her first child. Her birth team consisted of her husband Gavin, her doula Lesley, and Clearlight.
Susie's Birth Story – Baby Laura
Susie recounts her labour and delivery of precious baby Laura and how she rode the waves of intensity with her partner Nathalie at her side.
Catherine’s Birth Story – Baby Ella Audrey
Catherine had contractions for several weeks before baby Ella Audrey made her appearance! When active labour began it was relatively short and intense, Catherine recounts her positive experience that came from trusting her unique unfolding of labour and delivery...
Hilda's Birth Story — Baby Eva Björt
Eva Björt’s journey into the arms of mama and papa was completed after 8 hours of labour, and some TLC in the hospital nursery. Hilda says she’s a real yoga baby, calm and present!
Rosalie's Birth Story – Baby Jonah
Rosalie allowed natural breathing and movements to freely emerge during her labour, which concluded at St. Mary's with pushing baby Jonah into the world while on all fours!
Pippa’s Birth Story – Baby Luc
Pippa shares the story of her labour and Luc’s birth, from home to the Lasalle Birthing Center. “It was the most powerful, incredible moment I have ever felt. I still feel that way. There are no words to describe the love that I felt then or now.”
Leanna’s Birth Story — Baby Natasha
After being induced, Leanna describes entering her own ‘zone’ of breathing and meditation during contractions. She shares the unfolding of her labour and Natasha’s birth, which exceeded even her own best hopes of a positive childbirth experience.
Leanna’s Birth Story — Baby Luke
This is the story of the birth of Leanna’s second child, baby Luke – and how she integrated yogic breathing, hypnobirthing, affirmations and skilful navigation of the hospital protocols into her positive birthing experience.
Lucia’s Birth Story — Baby Sofia
Lucia’s labour went much more quickly than anyone expected, even her doctor barely arrived in time to catch baby Sofia! Lucia urges other labouring moms to be ready for anything and to trust the wisdom of the body.
Genevieve’s Birth Story — Baby Antoine
Gen’s story illustrates the power of surrendering to wisdom of the body in childbirth. She delivered at Lasalle Birthing Center, where she was able to spend most of her labour in the warm waters of the whirlpool.
Michelle’s Birth Story – Baby Sofia Elena
Sofia Elena's birth story. Born January 26th, 2007 at 8 pounds, 3 ounces after 15 hours of labour.
Diana’s Birth Story — Baby Magdalena
Diana discovered that this labour was different from her first (see Diana’s first birth story with baby Antony), and this time around her body demanded privacy and quiet. Her husband Joseph held the space and supported her in movements and breathing, and by doing so Diana’s labour unfolded quickly despite the slow start.
Diana’s Birth Story – Baby Antony
Diana emphasizes the importance of breathing in her labour that went more quickly than expected!
Marta's Birth Story – Baby Olivia
Marta shares how surrendering control in her very fast labour and delivery of baby Olivia brought her a sense of calm and clarity.
Christina’s Birth Story – Baby Milla
Christina shares her experience of labour and the challenges she encountered – and concludes “it was worth every second.”
Corinne’s Birth Story – baby Noam
L’arrivée de notre petit bout de chou avait été prévue autour du 26 février. Mais à cette date rien ne laissait présager une naissance prochaine...
Séverine’s Birth Story – Baby Miro
Severine’s mom said she heard laughing in the delivery room... Séverine explains how baby Miro was delivered into a world of laughter!
Catherine’s Birth Story — Baby Jeanne
Notre petite Jeanne est enfin née le vendredi 4 Août à 16h09. Elle est toute petite, avec seulement 18 pouces et 5 livres 15 onces. Elle a beaucoup de cheveux noirs, les yeux de maman, mais la bouche et le petit menton pointu de papa...
Natalie's Birth Story – Baby Callum
Natalie wanted to stay at home as long as possible, so went to the hospital only when she needed to. On the way there she used her vocal toning breathing and when she arrived she was already 8 cm dilated! Not long after, baby Callum completed his journey into this world...
Allison’s Birth Story — Baby Ella
Baby Ella was born on the 7th day of the 7th month at exactly 7 PM after a walk at sunrise, tons of support and ice chips, and several hours of pushing!
Séverine’s Birth Story – Baby Margaux
Séverine a utilisé les mouvements et les techniques de respiration appris en classe de yoga pendant la phase de travail et aussi lors de la naissance de ses deux enfants, particulièrement cette année pour son deuxième bébé, bébé Margaux.
Lisa’s Birth Story — Baby Gabriel
Lisa describes the labour and birth of her and her husband Peter’s first child. She writes: “The moment they put Gabriel on my chest was the greatest moment of my life.”
Amanda's Birth Story — Baby Maia
Amanda laboured early on while decorating cupcakes with her daughter, and was able to navigate through the increasing intensity with movement and breath, and the positive support of her birthing team.
Cindy’s Birth Story – Baby Talor
For Cindy the breathing technique of ‘vocal toning’ was immensely helpful in her intense labour and joyful birth, as was her husband Rick who coached her every breath!
Haniya’s Birth Story — Baby Rohaan
Haniya’s husband Raj recounts the unfolding of her labour… and the essential role of their doula in supporting them both.
Philippa's Birth Story – Baby Anabel
Philippa delivered baby Anabel in four pushes, after being induced and opting for an epidural.
