
Welcome! I am happy to announce that the new website featuring a live-streaming class platform is now live. It will no longer be necessary to register for classes, you can now enjoy unlimited access to ALL classes, live-streamed and recorded (and a growing library of practices) with a monthly membership. Please visit and explore the new site, classes begin on September 21st: www.clearlight.ca
Pregnancy yoga provides a safe and supportive context for pregnant women to come together sharing in a practice designed to promote optimal health and wellness for both mom and growing baby.
These yoga classes are specifically designed to support a more comfortable and healthy pregnancy, and to prepare for labour with special practices of movement, breathing and meditative techniques.
The focus of the classes is three-fold: movements for ease and endurance during pregnancy; breathing to relax and focus the body-mind; and essential techniques to help stay focused, empowered, and flexible during labour.
What is pregnancy yoga?
The practice of prenatal yoga will help you to meet the challenges and transformations of pregnancy and birth with strength, confidence and calm. Pregnancy yoga incorporates gentle, safe movements and stretches to strengthen and open your body; breathing exercises to increase calm, focus and balance; and relaxation techniques to release deeply held tensions and to promote the well being of yourself and your baby. Pregnancy is a time for moderation, so you are always encouraged to modify movements or to rest as necessary.
Who can practice pregnancy yoga?
These classes are open to women enjoying a healthy pregnancy, during the second and/or third trimesters. Previous experience in yoga is absolutely not necessary, many women come as complete beginners to yoga.
These classes are for pregnant moms, however we also offer a one-time Saturday afternoon class for couples to prepare for labour together with movement and breathing. Visit the workshops page for more information about the next "Couples Workshop: Preparing for Childbirth with Movement and Breath."
In pregnancy yoga, you will learn and develop several useful techniques, including:
- movements and strategies to relieve common discomforts of pregnancy (backache, digestive difficulties, sciatica, etc.)
- advantageous positions for labour and delivery to promote an easier birth
- breathing and relaxation techniques to help maintain focus, calm and relaxation throughout your pregnancy and delivery
What will pregnancy yoga do for me?
Regular practice of pregnancy yoga, in conjunction with gentle cardiovascular exercises such as walking and swimming, can:
boost energy and lessen fatigue
- reduce physical and emotional tensions and stress
- enhance strength and confidence
- improve posture, stability and balance
- create optimal health and awareness
- reduce the likelihood and need of medical
intervention during delivery - encourage a positive childbirth experience

Who is teaching the pregnancy yoga classes?
Clearlight Gerald (MA, C-IAYT, E-RYT, RPYT) has special training and certification in teaching pregnancy yoga (completed at the Kripalu Center in 1999), and she has been teaching yoga for pregnancy and childbirth preparation for the past 20 years. During this time Clearlight has had the privilege of teaching several thousand expectant and new mothers in both her pregnancy yoga and mom and baby yoga classes. Read more about Clearlight below.

Schedule & Registration
Visit the classes page for schedule and studio information for weekly pregnancy yoga classes, offered at Yogaspace's Vendome studio (NDG/Westmount). Attend a Couples Childbirth Workshop with your birth partner to build your toolbox to navigate the normal challenges with confidence together, to either complement weekly classes or attend it on its own.
For complete rate and registration information, please visit our rates & registration page.
Clearlight also works with individuals in privately, particularly if there is a specific therapeutic need, sessions in NDG, on the West Island, or in the Vaudreuil, Hudson, Rigaud area.

Prenatal Yoga: What you need to know
Recently, Barrie Risman recently interviewed Clearlight and asked her which yoga practices are most beneficial in pregnancy, which should be avoided, and more... a must read if you are thinking of prenatal yoga, or if you are navigating a home practice while pregnant. Read the interview in full.
Birth Stories
Visit the birth stories page to read personal accounts of labour and delivery from women who have already taken these pregnancy yoga classes.
Preparing for Childbirth with your Partner
Visit the workshops page for more information about the next "Couples Workshop: Preparing for Childbirth with Movement and Breath."
Perinatal Health and Wellbeing, Local Resources
The Yogaspace resource pages offers a listing of groups and classes, health practitioners and doulas, activities and community offerings - specifically for pregnant and new moms and families with young children. Visit the perinatal Montreal resource page or the perinatal West Island resource page.

You provided me with so many beautiful and useful tools to have the labour and delivery I always wanted to have. During labour, I thought of you and tried to hear the calmness of your soothing voice to keep me going it worked. I know that I was able to do what I did because of your classes. You're a wonderful yoga instructor, teacher, motivator and person.
- Giovanna D.
I’ve had a lot of back pain this pregnancy, and am pleasantly surprised at how effective these classes have been in literally eliminating my discomfort. I really appreciate the knowledge you bring, giving us exercises that feel both safe and challenging and above all have made a world of difference in how I feel in my body.
I also appreciate how you support us to listen to the wisdom of our own bodies. Thank you Clearlight!
- Maria N.
I wanted to thank you for such great labor preparation! It was all natural and without epidural which they told me is rare for first babies - the prep work definitely helped!!
- Judith M.
With this being my third pregnancy, I am really busy and distracted in my daily life. These classes are the only time in the week where I can focus on just me and this pregnancy - what a gift! I feel so much more relaxed and happy after the classes, I wouldn’t miss them for anything.
- Sandra M.
read more personal reflections from pregnancy yoga

Clearlight Gerald, MA, C-IAYT, E-RYT500, RPYT, founder and director of Yogaspace Studio, is a leading expert in the field of mindfulness-based yoga and meditation for pregnancy, for childbirth and for motherhood, and has guided thousands of women in all stages of their lives for over 20 years.
Based in Montreal, she is a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT) and a professional-level yoga teacher (E-RYT500, RPYT), with students locally and internationally. Clearlight is a founding member of the iRest Institute in California, where she holds credentials as a certified iRest meditation teacher and is an iRest Mentor, Trainer and Certification Supervisor for the teacher training program.
Clearlight shares with her students the teachings and transformative understandings that have emerged from close mentorship with her teachers Richard Miller and Joan Ruvinsky. She combines her decades of immersive study and engagement in yogic wisdom teachings with a grounded and skillful application of physical practices. Her background includes many years of professional tutelage in therapeutic yoga and rehabilitation exercise, and has had the privilege of attending many births – all supported by a deep understanding of the complex issues relevant to women’s experiences gained in her life experience (including as a mother of twins) and in her intensive graduate studies.
Clearlight passionately shares practices and strategies that transform, enlighten, and empower women to navigate life’s joys and challenges from a place of grace, wisdom and confidence… and offers ways to reclaim a unwavering sense of wellbeing amidst the ups and downs of life’s journeys.
Finally, since the question does come up so frequently, it must be shared that Clearlight was named Clearlight at birth by her mom and dad, and that she feels a deep gratitude for this beautiful gift from her parents!
Make sure to read the wonderful birth stories by moms who were in Clearlight's classes.

W e b s i t e U p d a t e s a n d N e w C l a s s e s

We had a beautiful baby girl, the labor and delivery were great. I must say your classes REALLY helped!! We had a completely natural delivery with no epidural (but I can definitely understand why people get it). The breathing and vocalizing really helped. My sister Shannon said you would have been proud :). Thank you for everything!
- Ashley C.
You provided me with so many beautiful and useful tools to have the labour and delivery I always wanted to have. During labour, I thought of you and tried to hear the calmness of your soothing voice to keep me going it worked. I know that I was able to do what I did because of your classes. You're a wonderful yoga instructor, teacher, motivator and person.
Since then, I remain a changed woman the classes empowered and motivated me, and kept me grounded in one the most beautiful experiences of my life. Aside from the very fact that I have my beautiful Marcus, you made one of my biggest dreams come true in being able to have such a beautiful birthing experience. I, to this day, look back on that cold and snowy day in February 2007 with only utter satisfaction, elation and pride!! And Clearlight, it really was because of all you instilled Thank you.
- Giovanna D.
With this being my third pregnancy, I am really busy and distracted in my daily life. These classes are the only time in the week where I can focus on just me and this pregnancy - what a gift! I feel so much more relaxed and happy after the classes, I wouldn’t miss them for anything.
-Sandra M.
I am writing this simple note to thank you. My experience with you has been very pleasant and an eye-opening one. I have truly enjoyed discovering yoga and meditation with you. You have also made my pregnancies and my parenting experiences more comfortable and enjoyable. I will never forget your teachings and I try to follow them everyday. Once again, thank you and Namaste!
- Marie-Hélène
I want to thank you for the wonderful tools I gained from your classes. I really credit the breathing and vocal toning techniques with getting me through those last hard hours of labor without intervention. Thanks again!
-Rebekah L.
Thank you for your great yoga classes. They have given me lots of confidence in myself and trust in life to live and embrace the experience of delivering a child to this world with an open mind and with lots of love :-) (and great breathing techniques!) lol
-Charlotte S.-P.
I’ve had a lot of back pain this pregnancy, and am pleasantly surprised at how effective these classes have been in literally eliminating my discomfort. I really appreciate the knowledge you bring, giving us exercises that feel both safe and challenging and above all have made a world of difference in how I feel in my body. I also appreciate how you support us to listen to the wisdom of our own bodies. Thank you Clearlight!
- Maria N.
I want to thank you for your pregnancy classes. Vocalizations, hip move ments, and a committed approach to pain as a passing experience is what got me through a very challenging labour ...epidural-free, as I had hoped. Your instruction and my doula's support really enabled Thomas and I to focus on what was happening with confidence rather than fear. So, thank you.
- Rhonda W.
I'm so happy to share the news of my baby girl's birth! My husband, Ryan, and I rushed to hospital last Tuesday morning just in time for her delivery. We arrived at 6:45am and she was in my arms at 7:12am! It was such an intense experience, but I kept thinking back to our classes and rather than "overcoming pain" I tried to "embrace intensity" and it worked! With much low groaning and focused breathing (and hand-holding from hubby), we had our healthy girl in, literally, no time at all. When all was calm, one of the nurses asked Ryan if I was a yoga instructor!
I'm so thankful for the support and advice I received from you during the pregnancy. We look forward to joining you for Mom & Baby Yoga. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
- Christie
I have truly loved and appreciated the classes you have guided from early pregnancy all the way through to mom and baby yoga! Thank you so much for all your insight and support. I truly feel that yoga helped me to embrace the magic of childbirth and to be in the moment able to utilise that ‘toolbox’ of tricks we developed (it was great to have so many!). My husband Nitai also really appreciated the tools and positions we practiced in the workshop. Keep up the great and important work Clearlight!
- Krystyna S.
I’m excited to share that we welcomed our baby boy on December 2nd. Contractions started on the evening of December 1st, but I wasn’t sure this is “it” and I was seriously debating whether to come to yoga class that evening. All in all I had a short and incredibly intense labor and delivery with no Epidural, no medical interventions, no cuts and mainly no c-section - just like I hoped.
You were with me the all way through. the breathing, the powerful image of my baby getting closer to me with every contraction, my inner sanctuary which I returned to again and again. My partner, my doula, my baby and myself worked together as a team and although you were not physically present you were part of the team as well. my deepest gratitude for that.
- Hagit S.
I feel very blessed to have come across your pathway. I found your website by chance and it led me to discover many of the elements that helped prepare me psychologically, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually for pregnancy, give birth, and motherhood. The yoga was amazing for helping to focus on the here and now during pregnancy (which wasn’t always easy) and to prepare for childbirth. I can’t put my finger on exactly what I found most useful during labour. I definitely used the breathing techniques and the analogy of moving with an ocean wave rather than against it, but even more than that I think it was an overall sense of peace from within, and a knowing that what I was experiencing was normal and natural.
I’m not downplaying the intensity of my childbirth, because trust me, there were moments when I truly felt that I may not be able to continue, but having internal focus is one thing that allow me to get over the obstacles that I faced. The focus and sense of peace was something that developed after meeting you and starting the yoga course. The experience of labour and childbirth was one of the most special and exhilarating moments of my life, and I want to thank you for the important role that you played in that. I will be forever grateful for your gentle kindness and guidance throughout this journey that is only just the beginning.
- Melissa C.
Labour and delivery was a really beautiful experience because I was able to stay in the moment, get through the pushing effectively and feel strong while doing it, and get through the c-section which was ultimately necessary with a lot more calm composure than if I had not been breathing the 'ocean breath' the whole time. The nurses and doctor's kept telling me I was breathing really well and doing really well throughout. They barely needed to coach me, and you can take most of the credit for that.
So, thank-you again for the wonderful information and help. I got to know my body even better during the courses and I trusted it when I was in labour and afterward. My body's strength inspired me to be strong and focused emotionally too. Thank you!
- Nancy G.
I am proud I never got the epidural even though it was not by choice… I am also proud that I labored standing up doing the yoga breathing as I had intended to do. (read Lucia's birth story...)
- Lucia C.
I don't think that I could have had a natural birth without the preparation of the prenatal yoga class. Focusing on my voice and keeping it low helped me to think of something other than the pain. (read Michelle's birth story...)
- Michelle S.
... Et que je n'aurais pu réussir sans tes si précieux enseignements. J'ai pensé à toi tout au long de cet accouchement, pour toutes les lumières que tu as allumées pour braver cette tempête lourde de sens. Aussi pour cela je tiens profondément à t'exprimer ma gratitude. Ta présence dans notre parcours a été plus que nourrissante pour notre besoin de profondeur, de sens, de solidité. Merci, et pour sûr nous nous revoyons un jour !!
- Judith C.
I had the baby after a 4 hour labour (VBAC)!! Ivy Rebecca came roaring into the world (and thankfully not in the car) Tuesday at 8:58 am. I kept hearing your voice describing the "waves of intensity" as I was in the car and that's what kept me together. After fighting traffic and detours we arrived at the hospital and Ivy was born 45 minutes later.
I am so grateful for your class and the practice you shared with us. The meditations were especially helpful and your voice came to me many times when I was scared. Again, thank you for being you and sharing yourself with us moms-to-be.
- Carley
I just wanted to thank you again for your prenatal yoga class and the couples' workshop that my husband and I attended. Our daughter Eleanor was born on December 16 at the Jewish General, and without my yoga practice I'm sure it would have been a very different and much less satisfying birth experience!
Despite a 40+ hour labour I managed to get through it without an epidural, thanks in great part to the breathing techniques and positions that we learned in class. In turn, being able to cope with the pain without an epidural actually allowed me to avoid a c-section in the end. I was able to bond with my baby right away. A wonderful Christmas gift!
- Juliet J.
A few years ago various events led me to choose a more spiritual path along which to travel through my life. In fact, that path led me to my partner and led us to bring a child into this world. Interestingly, the experience of motherhood has made staying grounded in my spirituality quite a challenge! Not in the big moments of tremendous gratitude, love and joy, but rather in the 'smaller' or more day-to-day moments that too often have been characterized by fear, doubt and self-criticism.
Yoga practice, as you understand and articulate it, as well as how you simply embody and enact it, brought me back to the quiet place within myself - even in a room of crying babies! You helped me to reconceptualize what it means to walk the path in a daily way when daily meditation, regular journaling and quiet reflection are no longer a realistic expectation. Through practice in the moment, I was reminded that what is happening is perfect. Always. And that breathing in and through that moment is the touchstone for this understanding. Truly, the impact of the class was profound. I am deeply grateful.
- Eva P.
We had a wonderful & natural birth experience, and our baby boy entered this world very peacefully. Thanks so much for all the tools you taught me... I can easily say I unconsciously went through every single one, and your 'you know you are breathing if you hear yourself breathing' was my mantra at various difficult moments. Keep up the great work!
- Jordan T.
"I wanted to thank you once again for teaching such a wonderful prenatal yoga class. Your voice was with me all through the delivery and, strangely enough, I was relaxed enough to be able to focus on the different breathing techniques and everything you said was somehow tattooed in my brain (enjoy the experience, visualize waves, being there in the moment, trusting life,...). Ok, so I resorted to the epidural (as I always planned to do) but the experience wasn't as scary as I had imagined... and I never felt the need to freak out or panic and I have you to thank for that."
- Alex F.
