
All classes are currently held online, as livestream gatherings and recorded practices. Come join our vibrant community! www.clearlight.ca

• testimonials
• about the teacher
Clearlight is a professionally trained and certified Yoga Therapist and Pregnancy Yoga teacher who has taught thousands of pregnant and new moms over the past 20 years in the Montreal and surrounding area.
Her skillful and friendly instruction will give you practices and tools to support a healthy and comfortable pregnancy, and to move into labour and delivery with confidence, and a toolset to support a positive and empowered childbirth experience.
She’s been asked by many mothers over the years who live in Pointe Claire, Dorval, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Beaconsfield, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Vaudreuil, Hudson, and Laval to bring prenatal yoga to the West Island, and although she is not currently offering group classes here, she is meeting with expectant and new moms in private sessions on the West Island, and also specializes in Fertility Yoga - also in given in individual sessions.
The weekly Pregnancy Yoga and Mom and Baby Yoga classes offered in NDG are directly next to the Vendome train station, thus particularly accessible to those living on the West Island. These classes offer the opportunity to immerse yourself in pregnancy-specific yoga movement, as well as breathing and meditation techniques to help navigate the challenges of childbirth and parenthood.
The one-time group class Childbirth Workshop for Couples, offered both in Westmount / NDG, emphasizes cultivating a positive childbirth experience for both parents, by learning and practicing essential breathing and labour positions - essential tools to cope with intensity of labour and childbirth. 
The workshop will also give your partner (or birth partner) tools to not just feel involved and helpful, but to step into the role of providing truly indispensable support.
Clearlight also offers private sessions to individuals and couples seeking individualized instruction in gathering a toolset of inner coping techniques with which to navigate labour, delivery and childbirth.
Building community and sharing community resources is one of the many benefits of gatherings of pregnant and new Mamas. Please visit Yogaspace's up-to-date and indepth listing of West Island resources and activities for expectant and new mothers and families.

I want to thank you for helping prepare me for labour. In the early labour I was really focused on relaxing everything and not holding any tension and later the humming during contractions really helped me deal with the pain. Thank you! - Stacey
I wanted to thank you for everything you have taught me so far. I can't begin to tell you how helpful all of your training was during labor and delivery. Pretty sure my vocalisations were heard throughout the maternity wing at the hospital...I think I would have made you proud! It was truly a game changer to be able to use all the tools you provided me and although it was a rocky ride, I felt so much more confident and steadfast through it all thanks to you. I am forever grateful.
— Monica
L'accouchement s'est hyper bien déroulé en maison de naissance. Ton cours d'accompagnement m'a bien aidé à lâcher prise. Si bien que la petite est sorti en moins de 4 heures suites à la première contraction!!!
— Anne
On Nov 19, my little cocotte was born. We are both doing well! The breathing techniques I learned in your class saved me. Labour would have been a lot more difficult. Grateful to have been able to learn them from you. I'll be seeing you in a few months for mommy and baby classes.
— Melissa
Thanks Clearlight, for creating such a warm and welcoming space, and for leading us all through a much-needed grounding yoga practice for the past six weeks. I've really appreciated every Thursday, and look forward to the next session. Thank you :)
I wanted to thank you for all the moments of peace you made me feel during quite a heavy pregnancy. Looking back I remember it with warmth and love. They were some of the only moments I had to bond with my little one and feel totally at peace with all that was happening in my body. I cherish these memories dearly. I also wanted to let you know that I had the music from class with me during labour and it made it was wonderful. I still put it for Rosa to calm her and she loves it. I cannot thank you enough for making this memorable event of my life go smoothly and peacefully!
— Bea
Firstly, I have to say a major THANK YOU for the couples prenatal class that my husband and I did with you. I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy totally naturally, just the way I wanted and I know a big part of that was the preparation we had in your course. So thank you!!!
— Joanna
I just wanted to thank you for everything you taught me during the classes! I had the baby on Friday and the whole birth went really well! I definitely used the breathing techniques you showed and thought a lot about just living in the moment and letting labour happen and had a really positive experience! It was so fast this time I couldn't believe it! Seriously thank you for everything. I really thought about everything from the classes and had some pretty crazy out loud moaning going on! You made me feel empowered and gave me so many tools to use! I'm looking forward to the baby classes when we are all ready :)
— Amanda
I wanted to say a special THANK YOU to you, dear Clearlight, for all of your guidance and for all of the things that I learned from you. They were such useful tools during labour, I can't even tell you. The blowing-out breath and the ocean breath both saved my life. You were in my pocket for sure that day. And Mike was just amazing as a birthing partner. He remembered all of the little things we learned during the workshop and reminded me of them during labour. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :)
— Melanie
Just to let you know that my little baby girl was born on May 23. Something very important I wanted to say to you is THANK YOU!!! Because without the breathing techniques and noise exercices, I could not go through the pain of delivery! I had the epidural but only at 8cm dilated, so I was pretty tough and I consider myself courageous now as I could go through the process very relaxed and calm! Always welcoming the pain and encouraging it instead of fighting againts it. Thank you so much!!!!!!!
— Laureen
Just wanted to thank you for the great two sessions of yoga! Growing baby arrived, safe and sound, a few days after the last class :). And I managed to get through the 19 hour labour (8 "easy" hours and 11 hours of having to be reminded to breathe...) without the painkillers - and I'm sure practicing relaxation and gratitude and breathing helped!
— Robyn
Our baby girl was born on the winter solstice (December 21st), two days after my due date. My water broke that morning, contractions started around 1 pm and she was born at 10:30 pm at the Maison de Naissance. My labour was pretty fast and furious, so the vocalisations that you teach in your birth prep course and pregnancy yoga classes were invaluable! Thanks so much again!
— Marieke
Thank you for the lovely prenatal yoga class - you created such a light-filled, calming haven in the midst of the everyday bustle and anxiety of pregnancy!
— Indra
I just want to thank all the support and the times you were with me with both Jaime and Jade during pregnancy classes and the mom and baby yoga! You changed my life. I become more zen and have more positive energies every day! Thank you!!
— Jane
This is to say a huge thank you for the wonderful Yoga session this Fall... I feel blessed to have met you and to have had those six classes. I know they will help me at the time of giving birth. I really appreciate your energy and the care and warmth you put into every class. I wish I had time to do some more, but my baby could arrive anytime now!
— Gabrielle
The yoga really helps me, I see a major difference in my overall well being after I've attended a class. Thank you so much for this. I think I would have a hard time if it wasn't for the classes. I get anxiety sometimes I guess from the hormonal changes and you have really helped me with that.
— Jennie

Clearlight Gerald, MA, C-IAYT, E-RYT500, RPYT, founder and director of Yogaspace Studio, is a professional level certified Kripalu and Prenatal Yoga Teacher and an IAYT-certified Yoga Therapist. Clearlight currently teaches classes and workshops at Yogaspace in Mindful Yoga, iRest Yoga Nidra, Pregnancy Yoga, Childbirth Preparation for Couples and Mom & Baby Yoga.
Clearlight started practicing yoga in 1991, and began teaching in 1999 after she completed her certification as a Kripalu Yoga Teacher and Pregnancy Yoga Teacher. Today, Clearlight is a student of nondual wisdom teachings as taught by her teachers and mentors Richard Miller and Joan Ruvinsky. Clearlight actively pursues her love of yoga in her studies, personal practice, teaching and family life.
During her first years of teaching, Clearlight studied and practiced with many wonderful teachers from around the world, including Donna Farhi, Gary Kraftsow, Anodea Judith, and Krishna Das. It was at this time she gained extensive experience and insight into the practice and application of yogic breathing and asana, physical and energetic anatomy, and the ancient teachings of yoga.
During these formative years she taught at different locations throughout Montreal, including Concordia University, Marianopolis College and the Montreal Athletic Association, and worked part-time as a program assistant at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Massachusetts. In 2002, Clearlight created Yogaspace Studio in Montreal, where she now teaches exclusively.
In 2004 Clearlight met Richard Miller and Joan Ruvinsky, senior teachers of the pathless path of nondual teachings, both students themselves of Jean Klein. During her first interactions with Richard and Joan she felt that she was "coming home to truth" - and in that moment knew she had found the teachings that she was deeply compelled to follow. Since then, Clearlight has been deeply immersed with Richard and Joan in studies that are dedicated to these teachings.
Clearlight completed the Yoga Nidra (iRest) Teacher Training with Richard Miller in 2009, and is now a mentor for others pursuing their certification as Yoga Nidra teachers at the Integrative Restoration Institute (IRI). (IRI is a non profit organization dedicated to the path of self-inquiry and awakening through the teachings of nondual wisdom.) The teaching of yoga nidra is a beautiful method of self-inquiry and meditation and informs every level of Clearlight's teaching.
Concurrently, Clearlight continues to deepen her focus and skill as a specialist in teaching prenatal yoga and postnatal yoga, a path she chose after feeling profoundly inspired, well before her teacher training, to bring yoga to pregnant and new mothers. As a result of following her heart, she has had the privilege of teaching several thousand expectant and new mothers in her pregnancy yoga, and in her mom and baby yoga classes.
Clearlight brings lived wisdom to her teaching that she has gained both from her personal life as a mother of two daughters and her 16 years of professional experience. The prenatal and postnatal classes emphasize ways to bring yoga and nondual teachings to life, both practically and spiritually, into the role of being a parent.
She continues to offer an inspiring context in which women and couples can connect more deeply to the wisdom, balance, and joyfulness that they bring with them into childbirth and parenthood. (Make sure to read the wonderful birth stories by moms who were in Clearlight's classes.)
Clearlight's dynamic teaching style reflects the passion she has for her personal practice and her love of inquiry. Her teaching of the physical practice of postures balances both an emphasis on core stability techniques and safe alignment with the importance of not only liberating deeply held tensions, but of discovering how the practice of yoga can bring a greater sense of wholeness and balance to every aspect of one's life.
Other aspects of her teaching include yogic breathing, chanting, the sharing of inspiring music and poetry, discussion based on ancient texts and meditation practice (including yoga nidra) - all led with the understanding that yoga is a practice not of acquiring, but of recognizing the wholeness of our True Nature.
Finally, since the question does come up so frequently, it must be shared that Clearlight was named Clearlight at birth by her mom and dad, and that she feels a deep gratitude for this beautiful gift from her parents!
