
Michelle’s Birth Story Baby Sofia Elena, born January 26, 2007
“Sofia Elena was lured out of my belly by the sound of her Daddy’s music...”
Sofia Elena's birth story. Born January 26th, 2007 at 8 pounds, 3 ounces after 15 hours of labour.
Sofia Elena was lured out of my belly by the sound of her Daddy's music. He is the piano player of a Salsa band, and on Thursday, January 25th they had a show. I wasn't going to attend because I felt so big and uncomfortable, but at the last minute decided to go as I had a lot of energy (the first sign that something was strange!)
At the show, I was dancing with some friends when I felt as though something was leaking. I went to the bathroom and came across my mucous plug. I didn't get too excited though as I knew that the mucous plug could come out weeks before labour. However, as I was already eight days overdue, I thought this might be significant.
I went back to dance with my friends, but was still leaking. I thought it might be my amniotic fluid, so I went home to call the case room. They told me that I should come in if I kept leaking. As my husband was still at his show (finishing the second set, but he couldn't concentrate!) I waited for him by vacuuming, even though I knew I should conserve energy.
He came home and we went to the hospital at 1 in the morning, where they determined that I was in fact leaking amniotic fluid and that I was two centimeters dilated. All night I had contractions coming every three minutes or so, but I couldn't move since the baby's head was high and they were worried that the umbilical cord would fall. So I had to endure the contractions lying down in bed which was difficult.
In the morning I was allowed to get up and move around, which was helpful as the contractions were getting worse. I showered and used the birthing ball, and found that ocean breath was very helpful. I was five centimeters dilated when they burst the rest of the amniotic sac.
In half an hour I was at seven centimeters and the difficult stage began. I was lying on my back in bed at this point. Even though I wanted to move around I couldn't as the contractions were too painful - it seemed easier just to stay where I was.
Once I was at 10 centimeters, I had to push. This was so difficult as I did not have an epidural and I was exhausted. I was also in the worst position as I was lying on my back but I couldn't move for the pain! At this point humming was very helpful. My husband (who attended the couples workshop) was humming with me, helping me to keep my voice low and focused. There were points however where I didn't think I could keep going, and it seemed like she would never get out of me!
My husband and the staff were very encouraging which was really important. The baby was coming very slowly so they used a vacuum extractor to help move her along (not recommended without an epidural) and at 16:05 my daughter was born - 15 hours later!
I didn't see her coming out as I had my eyes clothes and was pushing so hard, so I was surprised when they placed her on me. Fortunately my husband saw everything and said it was very emotional for him.
I don't think that I could have had a natural birth without the preparation of the prenatal yoga class. Focusing on my voice and keeping it low helped me to think of something other than the pain. Also imagining each contraction as a wave helped, as I knew that it would have to end at some point. Finally, having a wonderful birth partner to help me keep focused and positive was the most important thing!

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