
Allison’s Birth Story Baby Ella, born July 7, 2005
Baby Ella was born on the 7th day of the 7th month at exactly 7 PM after a walk at sunrise, tons of support and ice chips, and several hours of pushing!
Ella came into the world on the 7th day of the 7th month at exactly 7 p.m. I was actually scheduled to be induced the very same day she was born, but went into labour on my own the night before. We got to the hospital around 2 o’clock in the morning and the triage nurse assessed my progress. Although my contractions were coming hard and fast already, I wasn’t dilated even one centimetre! So they sent us out for a walk and we saw the sun come up on Cote-des-Neiges. The contractions started getting stronger, and I used ocean-sounding breath to help me through.
After I was admitted and taken to the L&D ward, I was able to sit on a birthing ball for a while which was extremely helpful. I also did some loud vocal toning which I think surprised the nurses a bit! We had a beautiful view of St-Joseph’s Oratory from our room (not that I cared much about that after the first 5 minutes!!) Shortly afterwards, the doctor came in to break my water. At this point I had to take a decision about getting an epidural. I hesitated, but finally agreed to it which was the best thing I could’ve done for myself considering how long the whole birthing experience turned out to be.
Following the epidural I had a chance to rest for a while (Drew too!!) before finally starting to push. The pushing stage lasted five count them FIVE hours. My husband and I both got a little anxious when they couldn’t find our doctor; she was in the O.R. and we had to wait for her to finish surgery. I can remember the resident stretching out my legs for me at this point which was nice. I also remember Drew practically dumping ice chips on my head, I was so hot and thirsty!
After the third hour I was forced to take a break from sheer exhaustion, but once TWO doctors showed up, things progressed smoothly from there. The baby was stuck a bit sideways, but they straightened her out and I am so thankful not to have had any further interventions of any kind. I was really starting to worry about c-sections and episiotomies, but I walked away from the delivery in pretty good shape all things considered. It was a marathon but well worth it!! And what a wonderful surprise at the end to find out it was a girl, especially when so many people thought she was a boy (except Drew, who was convinced he had a daughter right from the very start).

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