
for a home yoga practice
The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice
by T. K. V. Desikachar
This central text provides an accessible and interesting overview of the teachings of yoga, and includes a translation of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
- Yoga for Your Spiritual Muscles
by Rachel Schaeffer
A perfect guide for those who want to start a home practice (contains an overview of basic postures, includes benefits and contraindications)
- Yoga for Wellness: Healing with the Timeless Teachings of Viniyoga
by Gary Kraftsow
For anyone who would like to deepen an understanding of asana practice, particularly as it can be applied to specific health conditions.
- Audio-CD asana practices by yoga instructor Shiva Rea:
Drops of Nectar: Yoga Relaxation for Rejuvenation and Healing
Yoga Sanctuary: A Guided Hatha Yoga Practice
for meditation and reflection
- Yoga Nidra: The Meditative Heart of Yoga (with audio CD) by Richard Miller
Through accessible language appropriate for every level of practice, you will be guided you through the techniques of inquiry and yoga nidra meditation to help you realize your true and natural state of nondual, unqualified Presence.
- True Meditation: Discover the Freedom of Pure Awareness by Adyashanti
Excellent introduction to meditation from a nondual perspective.
- Emptiness Dancing by Adyashanti
Selected dharma talks of Adyashanti, a contemporary teacher whose teachings are all about waking up to True Nature.
- The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle
“Ekhart Tolle's message is simple: living in the now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment.” An accessible book that can change the way you think and experience life.
- Will Yoga & Meditation Really Change My Life?: Personal Stories from 25 of North America's Leading Teachers
An inspirational reminder of the power of yoga as a practice "off the mat," its potential for transformation of ourselves and our relationships. See Richard Miller’s chapter entitled “The Search for Oneness.”
- Miracle of Mindfulness: A Manual on Meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh
Any book by Thich Nhat Hanh is essential reading, this is just one of many that discusses mindfulness meditation as a life practice.
for breathing awareness
- The Breathing Book: Good Health and Vitality Through Essential Breath Work
by Donna Farhi
Excellent for anyone who would like an accessible of the intricacies of breathing (the essence of wellbeing).
- Science of Breath: A practical guide by Swami Rama, Rudolph Ballentine, Alan Hymes.
This book provides a bridge between Western understandings and Eastern perspectives regarding the breath. A must-read for any yogi wanting to deepen an understanding of pranayama and subtle energies.
some articles online
Yoga Journal Archive Yoga Therapy Articles
Yoga Journal Archive: Philosophy/Wisdom Articles
Ascent Magazine
Yoga Journal
Yoga + Joyful Living
retreats and retreat centers
Center of Timeless Being - Retreats and trainings with Richard Miller
Pathless Yoga - Nondual wisdom teachings & retreats with Joan Ruvinsky in Montreal & beyond
Kripalu Center for Yoga an Health (Western Massachusetts)
Omega (Rhinebeck, New York)
