
The word "sadhana" (SAH-da-na) refers to a yoga practice that consciously invites a connection to Spirit, or the part of yourself that is bigger and vaster than the individual body-mind.
The next seasonal sadhana will take place on:
• Saturday, March 21st, 2020
Spring Emergence
Live, Online Extended Practice *
9:45 am - 12:45 pm
(Read more below)
These are special events and the group size is very limited. Please register early to secure your space. Read more about each of these special practices just below...

Spring Emergence: Energy Body Yoga
Saturday, March 21st, 2020
9:45 am - 12:45 pm
Live, Online Extended Practice *
This practice is held to coincide closely with the Spring Equinox, the official start to Spring, although we all know the season tends to be a little reluctant in these Northern parts.
Nonetheless, we will be seizing the opportunity to attend to some Spring cleaning,with particular emphasis on practices to cleanse, restore and balance the flow of vital energy in and around the body.
The morning will include a complete asana pranayama practice, hand mudras, a special energy body movement practice, and healing practices to attend to stagnation and blockages. The sadhana will conclude with a complete practice of Yoga Nidra.
The intention of these indepth, extended classes is to provide a context in which you can enjoy a deep and uninterupted exploration of various practices and themes that you can bring into your daily life. Adults only.
To register online for the March 21st extended practice, click here (and then scroll as needed)
Or, you can contact Clearlight for more information by email or by phone (514) 867-8671.
Please see below to read about location, fees, and practical considerations.

Location and Registration Information
Location: Due to the nature of the Covid-19 situation, this event will be held as an online, live event via Zoom, a very accessible and usable platform that allows us to gather virtually.
Classes are workshops are normally held at Yogaspace - Queen Elizabeth Health Complex (QEHC), 2100 Marlowe #346, NDG - Westmount (half block from metro Vendome).
Fees: $48 plus taxes
*Please note that the registration fee is non-refundable unless your place can be filled, less $20 admin fee - therefore please check your schedule in advance before registering.*
These extended practices are open to all levels, from new yogis to experienced practitioners. Basic familiarity with yoga and interest in meditation will be assumed. This practice is not recommended should you have a particular injury or condition that requires more specific guidance than a group context can provide. Should you be pregnant, please discuss with Clearlight in advance of your registration. Read more about Mindful Yoga here.
To register online for the March 21st extended practice, visit the rates and registration page (and then scroll as needed.)
Or, you can contact Clearlight for more information by email or by phone (514) 867-8671.
What to bring:
Please bring a large bottle of water to the extended practices. You are welcome to bring your own mat and materials, however know all materials are also provided.
To learn more about the 2020 schedule for weekly evening and daytime yoga classes, please visit the registration page.

• Couples Workshop: Yoga for Pregnancy and Childbirth
• Yoga Nidra Meditation