
Yoga Nidra Course - 6 Saturday Classes - Autumn 2007
September 22; September 29; October 20; November 3, November 17; December 1
Introduction to Yoga Nidra : 1:00 PM Explorations in Yoga Nidra : 10:45 AM
Yoga Nidra is body-centered form of meditation that can be practiced for many reasons: to deeply relax and eliminate stress; to promote healing of anxiety, fear, anger or depression; to solve personal problems; and to rediscover a greater sense of wholeness and balance that is naturally ours.
This method of guided self-inquiry is practiced in a comfortable lying down position, in which participants are guided into the deepest levels of relaxation and meditation while remaining alert and aware.
The practice of Yoga Nidra reveals our innate intelligence and inherent wisdom which burns away negative patterns of conditioning thus creating the space for the spontaneous physical, psychological and interpersonal transformations that so commonly occur as a result of this practice.
Yoga Nidra has helped countless people to release chronic patterns of stress, to boost immune systems and overall health, to sleep better, to let go of negative belief patterns and to lead more contented lives.
Yoga Nidra is easy to learn, and everyone can practice Yoga Nidra.
“We use Yoga Nidra to investigate and go beyond our limiting beliefs and conditioning, so that we may live a contented life, free of conflict, anxiety, fear, dissatisfaction, and suffering. And in its ultimate form, we use Yoga Nidra to unravel the sacred mystery of life and reveal the secret of enlightenment.” Richard Miller, Ph.D.

This class is open to everyone who is interested in experiencing Yoga Nidra, and in learning the basic principles and stages of this practice.
First Class: 1:00 - 3:00 PM Remaining 5 Classes: 1:00 - 2:30 PM
In the Level 1 Yoga Nidra course you will:
- Gain an understanding of the specific stages and principles of yoga nidra
- Learn about the 6 ‘koshas’ or layers of the body/mind that we explore in Yoga Nidra (physical sensation, breath/energy, emotions, intellect, joy and ‘I’-ness)
- Experience 6 fully guided Yoga Nidra sessions
Each session will include a unique, fully guided yoga nidra experience (approximately 45-55 minutes). The first class will include an overview of the practice, and in each of the remaining five classes we will explore a specific aspect of Yoga Nidra through discussion. At the end of each class there will be time provided for silent integration, including opportunity for journaling or quiet meditation.
Everyone can practice yoga nidra. Participants should be able lie down on the floor for 45 minutes, (supported with mat/blanket/pillows) and should have an interest in meditation/self-inquiry. The class is appropriate for both beginners and experienced alike. Please contact Clearlight with any questions about the course.

This class is open to those who have taken the Introductory Course and who would like to deepen their journey of self-inquiry and exploration in Yoga Nidra.
First Class: 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM Remaining 5 Classes: 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
In the Level 2 Yoga Nidra course you will:
- Learn about the subtle principles and realms of Yoga Nidra
- Explore your own self inquiry concerning specific emotions, beliefs or themes in your life
- Experience 6 fully guided Yoga Nidra sessions
Yoga Nidra, like all yoga practices, is a practice for life. This class is an opportunity to build upon the foundational experience of the Level 1 course. As we gain familiarity with the practice, we have greater opportunity to deepen self-inquiry, to explore True Nature and discover a greater sense of ease in life. This class provides the community and guidance to explore this time-honoured form of meditation. Each session will include discussion, a fully guided Yoga Nidra practice and opportunity for silent integration.
For both the Level 1 & Level 2 Courses:

Fall 2008, Dates TBA
The word "sadhana" refers to a yoga practice that consciously invites connection to spirit. In these series of sadhanas we explore a re-orientation of perspective - welcoming ourselves, each moment and each experience exactly as is. In doing so, we cultivate a greater sense of peace in how we live our lives, and a deeper connection to our true nature.
These practices will each include yoga asana (movements), pranayama (breathing), chanting and a fully guided practice of Yoga Nidra (meditation/relaxation). This series will provide an opportunity to either begin or continue your exploration of Yoga Nidra meditation.
This special session is open to all levels, from beginners to experienced practitioners. Please note that basic familiarity with yoga movements will be assumed. This extended class is not recommended if you are pregnant or if you have certain acute injuries or physical limitations. Participants should be able lie down on the floor for 45 minutes, (supported with mat/blanket/pillows) and will benefit from an interest in meditation/self-inquiry.
Please contact Clearlight if you have any questions.

Required Materials
Journal and writing material; pillow; blanket; yoga mat.
Recommended Materials
An eye bag; an audio CD of a fully guided Yoga Nidra for home practice. Both will be available for purchase at the first class.
Clearlight Gerald
Course Fee $150 (includes taxes)
Registration Details
• Enrollment is limited, please register early to secure a space. Registration is confirmed upon receipt of payment in full.
• Course fee is payable by Visa or MasterCard over the phone, or by personal cheque by mail or in person. Payment must be received within 5 days of your initial registration to guarantee your place. Cheques can be made to 'Clearlight Gerald.'
Important • Course fees are refundable up to September 10th only if your space can be filled.
• It is important that the same group work together for the duration of the session. Therefore, for the Yoga Nidra course only, refunds, late registration and make-ups of missed classes will not be possible.
• The front door will be locked once the class begins, therefore it will be essential to arrive before class begins to ensure you do not miss the practice.
• Should a class have to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be a make-up class scheduled on Saturday, December 15th.
• These classes do not involve warm-ups or yogic movements. Please be sure to take care of your own personal practice or needs to exercise before each session begins.
Contact Clearlight for more information or to register, by e-mail or by phone (514) 933-8671.
Location and Mailing Address
Yogaspace Studio (at Centre L'Esprit) 5252 de Maisonneuve West, #100, Montreal H4A 3S5

"The course was much more than I thought. I was expecting an hour long intensive practice of savasana. So it all started as I was expecting: breathing, focus on muscles, visual images... all bringing a wonderful feeling of relaxation. But relaxation was just the beginning. What interested and surprised me most was the idea that relaxation can be a starting point. As usual, I have to say that I really appreciate how professional, precise, researched and generous you are in your teaching, and this is really appreciated!"
- David Asseo
"Yoga Nidra has most definitely been a way for me to remain stable within, amidst the whirlwind of life! I wanted to discover a new way to find balance in my life through this specific kind of meditation and that's exactly what Yoga Nidra brought me."
- Alexandra Roussel
"Ce cours m'a ressourcé, m'a permis de m'arreter. C'est le plus beau cadeau que j'ai pu m'offrir suite a la naissance de mon fils. J'ai pris de la confiance en moi, savouré la paix intérieure et j'ai en main de beaux outils grace a toi Clearlight et au Yoga Nidra."
- Édith Seguin
"I’m definitely less anxious, calmer. A number of things that used to make me upset don’t seem to bother me anymore. I feel more secure. I used to regularly get anxious on the weekends because I felt that they were too busy. Yoga nidra seems to have opened up a space that lets me slow down and ignore various pressures.
"What I find interesting about yoga nidra is that it is effortless. I feel the tangible benefit even if I sleep through a whole session. Without sounding too lazy, it’s very liberating to just go somewhere, relax completely and go on a guided journey. That doesn’t happen even in the movies for me, or during sleep. Yoga Nidra does a better job of turning off my chattering brain."
- Kirsten Weisenburger
"I have to tell you that I definitely SLEEP better after our Yoga Nidra practices, which was the original reason I signed up!"
- Louise Pothier
"When I go to a Yoga Nidra class, I never know where I am going- but once the practice has finished I know that I have been to where I needed to go."
- Marisa Rondina
"I had an experience last week that was just amazing. You know how in families there are longstanding "issues and controversies" - well, once again I got into a discussion about one of these with my dad. Butg I was able to think about how it wasn't going to help the situation to get upset. I lasted a whole hour and managed to finish the conversation with both my dad and I feeling OK - even happ for the first time in my life, instead of freaking out in anger and becoming really upset and crying, I was able to remain calm and articulate. When I would feel the intense emotions risiny with each other. He even called to thank me the next day for this - I cannot tell you how incredible this is. My husband was completely amazed. So I was left feeling like something really positive came out of what is usually very, very negative, and I felt that Yoga Nidra, yoga practice itself was really having a positive effect on my life."
- B.S.
"I most appreciated the way I would feel right after a Yoga Nidra session a deep sense of inner peace and being somehow re-centered or that my feet had been firmly replanted on the earth!
"I have found that in times of stress or anger I have had an easier time stepping back and watching the emotion rise in me and knowing it is simply another movement... When I started the classes I was at quite a difficult spot in my life. I truly feel that Yoga Nidra has helped me through this time I have felt strengthened, bolstered and encouraged by it. I can't say thank you enough!!"
- B.R.
"I find stress has been taking me away from enjoying my life. Through Yoga Nidra I am changing my response to stressors and this helps me live more in the present and enjoy my life."
- S.M.

For more information about Kripalu Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga and Mom & Baby Yoga, visit the Classes Page.

• Couples Workshop: Preparing for Childbirth with Movement & Breath
• Special Sadhana Intensives
